Mynhardt’s Festive Fruitcake 2020

A Free State interpretation of a festive fruity Christmas cake
A Free State interpretation of a festive fruity Christmas cake
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For the fifth year, Chef Mynhardt Joubert will again set the stage for a sweet soirée with his iconic Free State fruitcakes. All for a very special cause and just in time for the festive season.
Servings Prep Time
1 large cake 30 minutes
Cook Time
2-3 hours
Servings Prep Time
1 large cake 30 minutes
Cook Time
2-3 hours
A Free State interpretation of a festive fruity Christmas cake
A Free State interpretation of a festive fruity Christmas cake
Print Recipe
For the fifth year, Chef Mynhardt Joubert will again set the stage for a sweet soirée with his iconic Free State fruitcakes. All for a very special cause and just in time for the festive season.
Servings Prep Time
1 large cake 30 minutes
Cook Time
2-3 hours
Servings Prep Time
1 large cake 30 minutes
Cook Time
2-3 hours
  • 250 ml water
  • 310 ml soft brown sugar
  • 1 kg fruit cake mix (dried fruit and nuts)
  • 250 g chopped dates
  • 250 g chopped golden sultanas
  • 250 g roughly chopped cashew and macadamia nuts
  • 7 ml Moir’s baking soda
  • 250 g Président Butter
  • 100 g whole red Moir’s cherries
  • 100 g whole red glacé cherries
  • 100 g whole green glacé cherries
  • 5 eggs beaten
  • 20 ml vanilla extract
  • 125 ml KWV Brandy
  • 625 ml Sasko self raising flour
  • 5 ml salt
  • 5 ml cinnamon powder
  1. Preheat the oven to 120 °C (250 °F) and butter the inside of a high, 25cm cake tin.
  2. Line the tin with three layers of baking paper and butter the inside again.
  3. Slowly heat the first eight ingredients to boiling point and let it simmer for five minutes.
  4. Remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool. Add the red and green cherries.
  5. Combine the eggs, vanilla and brandy together, and add it to the mixture.
  6. Add the flour, cinnamon and salt, and mix well
  7. Spoon the mixture into the pan and bake for two hours.
  8. Let the cake cool in the pan and turn it out. Sprinkle a bit of brandy over the cake and place it in an airtight container.
  9. Regularly sprinkle over some more brandy to keep the cake moist.