[wpurp-searchable-recipe]Salmon Fishcake Summer Salad - This recipe combines the best of two worlds - delicious appetising beautiful food which can be prepared on a budget and made to look extremely delectable! This recipe calls for salmon and to make the budget work we use salmon off cuts...

[wpurp-searchable-recipe]Courgette Orzo Pasta Salad & Lemony Greek Roasted Chicken, - Courgette Orzo Pasta Salad, If I think about El Fresco dining these are one of the first dishes that come to mind and is uses seasonal affordable ingredients that can be prepped and made in advance...

[wpurp-searchable-recipe]Roasted lamb shoulder with roasted chilli figs and gorgonzola tagliatelle - I saw my dearest friend and food doyenne Errieda du Toit prepare this dish on social media during the fig season and thought that this would work brilliantly with one of my favorite cuts of lamb, the...