At My Table

Please have a seat

We eat with our hearts. Join me in my unique kitchens’ settings where generosity is served and memories made.


Request a booking at my cathedral cellar kitchen.

Cathedral Kitchen Mynhardt
Mynhardt Cathedral Cellar Kitchen - logo

A sought-after and exclusive venue in Paarl in the Cape Winelands. Chef Mynhardt Joubert is the custodian of Mynhardt’s Cathedral Cellar Kitchen, a space flanked by some of the biggest, and hand-carved, wine vats in the world. The dome-like ceiling – from where the Cathedral Cellar draws its name – evokes a holy feeling, making it absolutely perfect for memorable events.


“Having people sit down at my table has always been such a privilege for me; an opportunity to show them a piece of my world and a piece of my heart and to bless them with hospitality and the celebration of life and then we have not even gotten to the food and the wine.”

Mynhardt Stasie Street Kitchen - logo

Set in the intimate ‘rooftop’ loft apartment of Chef Mynhardt Joubert. Guests are seated at a long table, situated at the kitchen – right at the heart of the home – while Chef prepares dishes inspired by his childhood memories and travels around South Africa.


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“Most people can train to be a chef, learn the skills and master the art! But there are few who can humble themselves to be cooks, the ones who cook from memory, from the heart that earned their craft through necessity who stirs the pot with ancient wisdom of love and forgiveness. The ones who quietly know.”


Views From All Kitchens


“I sometimes talk to the vegetables, stroke the gleaming skins of the fish, smell and hug the fragrant herbs and listen to their stories. Some feats of clever engineering, some were won in fierce battle and then there are the ones who sacrifice themselves willingly for the greater good of the pot, the ones who give themselves to journey’s end”

Request a booking at my Cathedral Cellar kitchen.

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